
Posts Tagged ‘Rassismus’

Nachdem letzte Woche in Tel Aviv rassistische Demonstrationen waren, um die Ausweisung/Ausschaffung von insbesondere farbigen Ausländern durchzusetzen, ärgerte sich ein Knesset-Mitglied über die, die das kritisierten:

Shamalov-Berkovich called the Africans‘ supporters phonies – who would happily deport Jews they did not like, settlers and the ultra-Orthodox – and keep the Africans here in Israel.

‚These phonies – first of all I would jail them all for incitement of Jews against Jews. This is Solution Number One: to jail all human rights [activists].‘

‚We can transport them afterwards to those same places that we’re building, the camps. Let them work there.‘

According to Shamalov-Berkovich, ‚There are human rights organizations which, if you’d allow them today to take planes or buses and carry out a ‚transfer‘ on Haredim and settlers, they would – all of them – be the first to load them onto the buses.‘

‚They’d be the first to give them a sandwich with bread and chocolate and transfer the Haredim and settlers out of the state of Israel.‘

‚There are leftist MKs who speak about Haredim and settlers in an atrocious manner,‘ she continued. ‚This is incitement and bottomless self-hatred. They’d be delighted to carry out a transfer [forced expulsion] of Haredim and settlers, and to leave the infiltrators here.‘

Interessanterweise unterstützte sie letztes Jahr die „J14“-Proteste, die in den Rahmen der weltweiten occupy-Bewegung eingeordnet wurden. Allerdings ging es auch dort wohl nur um Recht jüdischer Israelis – schon da wurden die, die auch Rechte für Palästinenser forderten, teilweise sehr unfreundlich behandelt bzw. rausgeekelt.

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